Diz’s always has something going on at the restaurant. Eat – Drink – Have Fun. It’s pretty simple. 2022 brought big events back to Downtown like the Taco Tour, parades, expos, conferences, meetings, movies in the Park and more shows at the Palace & the Rex and SNHU Arena brought some larger events back! Diz’s collaborated with Downtown Businesses through a common communication app called SLACK, set up for Downtown business owners and managers. In April this Downtown Group began the #SecondSaturdayMHT initiate with small, individualized events and discounts at Downtown Businesses giving people multiple reasons to come Downtown on Saturdays. Diz’s started their bulk service in September to help with the increase of meetings, business and family gatherings. And Diz’s held several private events for families and class reunion on Sunday afternoons.

Here are some photo albums of our fun:

What will 2023 bring us? Let us know your ideas on out social!

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