Our recent blog, “Diz’s: Where Locals Go and Where Everybody Knows Your Name”, we mentioned how our team is ready to welcome you when you stop in for a meal at 860 Elm Street. In our next few blogs, we’re taking the opportunity to introduce you to some of our friendly team members, anxious to say hello to you!


Manchester-native Kendall comes by the restaurant business honestly as Diz and Judi’s granddaughter! In just two short months as a customer liaison, Kendall delights in meeting new people and getting to know our guests. She is a big fan of Diz’s meatloaf and in particular, the gravy, mashed potato and the variety of side dishes it is served with!

Kendall hopes one day to become a hair or make-up artist (or perhaps a women’s fashion designer!), but right now, she stays busy protecting her shoes and socks – from her family’s newest member, a  Pomerian Husky mix puppy named Tyler! Kendall recently gifted her parents with this sweet boy.

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